John Donne quotes about die
British Poet January 12, 1572 – March 31, 1631
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My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp north, without declining west?
Whatever dies, was not mix'd equally;
If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.
John Donne

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those, whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy picture[s] be,
Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou'rt slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or...
John Donne

Up then, fair phoenix bride, frustrate the sun; Thyself from thine affection. Takest warmth enough, and from thine eye. All lesser birds will take their jollity. Up, up, fair bride, and call. Thy stars from out their several boxes, take. Thy rubies, pearls, and diamonds forth, and make. Thyself a constellation of them all; And by their blazing signify. That a great princess falls, but doth not die. Be thou a new star, that to us portends. Ends of much wonder; and be thou those ends.
John Donne
All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated....As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;...
John Donne
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