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- 1863 – Black Elk
- 1819 – Harriet Tubman
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QuotesBox.org is probably the world’s largest quotes collection. We have gathered countless family-friendly quotations to satisfy every visitor. Every day there are new entries in our database, their authors ranging from today’s movers and shakers to outstanding figures of the past. Whether you are writing a love letter, a research paper, or a birthday card, a good quote will add value to it. More
Every day our quotes attract thousands of people across the globe, of all ages and from all walks of life: journalists, writers, students, educators, researchers, and politicians. The quotations are arranged according to their topic, including politic, historical, religious and other culturally relevant quotes. But we don’t limit ourselves to serious topics. We include not-so-intellectual quotes as well, since they are funny and can enrich a conversation. If the person quoted had something to say that mattered to them, it matters to us as well, so their quote will most probably appear on our website.
Thanks to our fast search engine, you’ll be able to find relevant quotes in no time. You can search the database by topics, by authors and even by individual words. The search is intuitive – it won’t distract your attention, so you can concentrate on the quotations themselves.
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Our materials have inspired and motivated millions. QuotesBox has a quote for everyone!
The 60 Most-Cited Authors
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adolf Hitler
- Alan Watts
- Anne Frank
- Aristotle
- Audrey Hepburn
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bill Gates
- Bruce Lee
- C. S. Lewis
- Carl Jung
- Carl Sagan
- Charles Bukowski
- Coco Chanel
- Confucius
- Dalai Lama
- Donald Trump
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eminem
- Ernest Hemingway
- Frida Kahlo
- George Carlin
- Helen Keller
- Henry Ford
- Hunter S. Thompson
- Jim Morrison
- Jim Rohn
- John Lennon
- John Muir
- Karl Marx
- Kurt Cobain
- Lao Tzu
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Malcolm X
- Marcus Aurelius
- Mark Twain
- Michael Jordan
- Mother Teresa
- Nelson Mandela
- Nikola Tesla
- Oprah Winfrey
- Oscar Wilde
- Osho
- Paulo Coelho
- Plato
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Robin Williams
- Socrates
- Steve Jobs
- Sun Tzu
- Thomas Edison
- Thomas Jefferson
- Vince Lombardi
- Voltaire
- Walt Disney
- Warren Buffett
- Will Smith
- Yoda
- Yogi Berra