The time has come for justice at the ballot box, and justice in the courts, and justice in the legislative halls, and justice in the governor's office.
John Jay HookerQuotes currently Trending
His was the holiest face I ever saw. My very name turned holy on his tongue. If he had bade me rise and follow to the end of time, I would have gone. If he had bade me die for him, I would have died. When I deserved it least, God gave me most. I think it was the savior's face I saw.
Frederick Buechner
Orospu ocuu kan emicilerle kmaya baladndan beri bana hi bir konuda tm gerei anlattna inanmyorum Anita'
'Politik olarak dorusunu sylemek gerekirse, senin o orospu ocuu kan emici dediin vampir, ST Louis'nin ehir Efendisi Dolp'
'O seninde efendinmi Anita?'
'ehir Efendisinin insan hizmetkarmsn?
Laurell K. Hamilton