Were I as base as is the lowly plain, And you, my Love, as high as heaven above, Yet should the thoughts of me, your humble swain,.
Joshua SylvesterQuotes currently Trending

Kitty got up to fetch a table, and, as she passed, her eyes met Levin's. She felt for him with her whole heart, the more because she was pitying him for a suffering of which she was herself the cause. "If you can forgive me, forgive me," said her eyes, "I am so happy."I hate them all, and you, and myself," his eyes responded, and he took up his hat. But he was not destined to escape. Just as they were arranging themselves round the table, and Levin was on the point of retiring, the old Prince...
Leo Tolstoy
Faith, if the truth were known, I was begot. After some gluttonous dinner; some stirring dish. Was my first father. When deep healths went round, And ladies' cheeks were painted red with wine, Their tongues as short and nimble as their heels, Uttering words sweet and thick, and when they rose. Were marrily disposed to fall again: Oh, damnation met. The sin of feasts, drunken adultery! I feel it swell me; my revenge is just: I was begot in impudent wine and lust(...)As for my brother, the...
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