I never heard of an old man forgetting where he had buried his money! Old people remember what interests them: the dates fixed for their lawsuits, and the names of their debtors and creditors.
Marcus Tullius CiceroQuotes currently Trending

Janganlah hanya faham erti kata-kata yang tertulis dalam Al-Qurankerna dibawah yang tertulis terdapat erti yang tersembunyidi bawah erti lapis kedua ada lagi erti baru, yang menyilaukan fikiran dan pandangan. Erti keempat, kecuali Nabi, tak ada yang pernah memahamikebesaran Tuhan, yang tiada tanding dalam Keghaibanhitunglah erti tersembunyi itu sampai tujuhkisah bermakna yang mengagumkan dari langit. Wahai kawan, janganlah memandang jilid Al-Quran. Bagi setan, manusia hanyalah sepotong...
When problems arise, you will usually find two types of people: whiners and winners. Whiners obstruct progress; they spend hours complaining about this point or that, without offering positive solutions. Winners acknowledge the existence of the problem, but they try to offer practical ideas that can help resolve the matter in a manner that is satisfactory to both parties.
George Foreman
My dad was always snoozing on the couch, like Dagwood Bumstead. He was a lazy motherfucker. God bless him. He was always working on some kind of get-rich-quick scheme. This is what my dad was like: I'd say, Hey, Dad, we studied penguins today in school. He'd say, Yeah? I'm a penguin fucker from way back. Dad, I saw a giraffe at the zoo today. Yeah? I'm a giraffe fucker from way back. That's my dad. My dad was a giraffe fucker.
James Ellroy
If everyone is a product of this society, who will say the things that need to be said, and do the things that need to be done, without compromise? Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence- yet ultimately it is undeniable. All of humanity is living in a dream world, but suffering real consequences.
Lauryn Hill