Nora Roberts quotes about him
American Author October 10, 1950
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What do you know about life? " Bitterness ached in her throat. " You were born with everything. You never had to struggle for a single thing you wanted, never had to worry if you'd be accepted or loved or wanted back." He stared at her, grateful for the moment that she couldn't see that he'd spent nearly half of his life worrying that she, the single thing he wanted, would accept him, love him, and want him back.
Nora Roberts
A star dawns in the night. Life through life, blood through blood to shine its light. Through love he was given the gift of birth, and from breath to death will walk the earth. The other gift comes through blood and bone, and is for him to take and own. Charm of the moon, power of the sun. Never forgetting an it harm done.
Nora Roberts
Laurel: I don't need a ring or a license, or a spetacular white dress. It's not marriage so much, or at all really, that matters. It's the promise. It's the knowing someone wants me to be part of his life. Someone loves me, that I'm the one for him. That's not just enough, it's everything.
Nora Roberts

What the hell are you tryng to do?"She gave him an innocent stare. "Why, have a conversation. I suppose you're out of practice."He glared, narrow-eyed, then turned away. "I'm going for a walk," he muttered."Lovely." Gennie slipped her arm through his. "I'll go with you."I didn't ask you," Grant said flatly, stopping again."Oh." Gennie batted her eyes. "You're trying to charm me by being rude again. It's so difficult to resist.
Nora Roberts
I'll walk you back,"he said with such apparently boundless amiability that Diana wanted to deck him."That isn't necessary," she began as her hand was clasped by his."I suppose I could walk ten paces behind or ten paces in front."As she let out a frustrated breath, Caine grinned down at her. "You're not angry because we exchanged a friendly kiss? After all, we're family."There was nothing friendly or familial about it," Diana muttered."No," he lifted her hand to his lips, then lightly nipped...
Nora Roberts
Frog-faced?" Caine asked when he met Grant in the hall."Beauty's in the eye of the beholder," Grant said easily. With an appreciative grin, Caine leaned against one of the many archways. "You had Dad going. We all got one of his phone calls, telling us the Campbell was in a bad way and it was our duty-he being by way of family-to help him." The grin became wolfish. "You seem to be getting along all right on your own."Grant acknowledged this with a nod. "The last time I was here, he was trying...
Nora Roberts
It's my job to see it."It's your gift," she corrected. "Your family must be proud of you." She spoke casually, began to eat again, then stared at him, baffled, when he laughed. "Why is that funny?"Pride wouldn't exactly be part of their general outlook to my way of thinking."Why?"People can't find pride in what they don't understand. Not all families, Keeley, are as cozy as yours.
Nora Roberts
I'll be sure to pass your comments along to the manager-after I fire him for letting you in."Don't be cranky, Josh." She slanted her most persuasive smile his way, only slightly annoyed when she saw it didn't make a dent. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I wasn't thinking about the time."Not thinking is one of your most highly honed skills."I'm not going to fight with you, and I'm not going to apologize for not sleeping with you just because your ego's bruised."His smile was thin and sharp as a...
Nora Roberts
As they started across the road, a boy biked by, shooting Grant a quick look before he ducked his chin on his chest and pedaled away."One of your admirers?" Gennie asked dryly."I chased him and three of his friends off the cliffs a few weeks back."You're a real sport."Grant only grinned, remembering his first reaction had been fury at having his peace interrupted, then fear that the four careless boys would break their necks on the rocks. "Ayah," he said, recalling with pleasure the acid...
Nora Roberts
Then I saw it, and it just grabbed me. That moment, that breath just before destiny, between innocence and power. He'll pull the sword free. You know it. And in that moment, the world changes. Camelot's born, Arthur's fate is sealed. He'll unite a people, be betrayed by a woman and a friend, and sire the man who'll kill him. In this moment, he's a boy. In the next he'll be a king.
Nora Roberts
Do you play tennis, Senator?"Now and then," he said with a ghost of a smile. He didn't add he'd lettered i the sport at Harvard."I'd imagine chess would be your game-plotting, long-term strategy."His smile remained enigmatic as he reached for his wine. "We'll have to have a game."Shelby's low laugh drifted over him. "I believe we already have."His hand brushed lightly over hers. "Want a rematch?"Shelby gave him a look that made his blood spring hotly. "No. You might not outmaneuver me a...
Nora Roberts
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