Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.
Shinichi SuzukiQuotes currently Trending

Don’t talk to me about her, John: I told you not to go near her; she is
not worthy of notice; I do not choose that either you or your sisters
should associate with her.”
Here, leaning over the banister, I cried out suddenly, and without at all
deliberating on my words—
“They are not fit to associate with me!
Charlotte Bronte
Levtessn siin p painettuna Mammyn rintaa vasten Scarlett htkhti nit kahta sanaa: raskas taakka. Nm samat sanat olivat surisseet hnen aivoissaan yht mittaa koko iltapivn. Nyt hn muisti koko laulun, ja se painoi hnen mielens yh murheellisemmaksi. Viel muutaman pivn kun jaksamme taakkaa kantaa / tuosta viis vaikk'ei koskaan se kevenisikn! / Viel muutaman pivn kun astumme maantien santaa -"Tuosta viis vaikk'ei koskaan se kevenisikn", sanat toistuivat hnen vsyneess mielessn. Eik hnen kuormansa...
Margaret Mitchell