Aggressor Quotes
This isn't about love and hate," Helen says. It's about control. People don't sit down and read a poem to kill their child. They just want the child tosleep. They just want to dominate. No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have your own way. The masochist bullies the sadist intoaction. The most passive person is actually an aggressor.
Chuck Palahniuk

I cannot forget the figures of Slobodan Miloevi, Charles Taylor and Saddam Hussein, who made terrified fiefdoms out of their "own" people and mounds of corpses on the territory of their neighbours. I was glad to see each of these monsters brought to trial, and think the achievement should (and one day will) form part of the battlehonours of British Labour. Many of the triumphant pelters and taunters would have left the dictators and aggressors in place: they too will have their place in history.
Christopher Hitchens