Any Quotes (page 120)

Do you know why General Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentina was eventually sentenced? Well, do you? Because he sold the children of the tortured rape victims who were held in his private prison. I could italicize every second word in that last sentence without making it any more heart-stopping.
Christopher Hitchens
Geceden gndze, uykudan uyank yaama gemek iin heykellerle evrili bir kpr gibi ar ar atm bu sabah saatlerinin tembelliini de ok sevdiimi sylesem. Geceki dlerimin srdne ve uykunun serveniyle gnn serveninin bir uurumla ayrlmadna beni inandrcak ani bir rastlantya, kk bir mucizeye sonsuz minnet duyacam andr bugn
Milan Kundera
The Bible is the weapon which enables us to join with our Lord on the offensive in defeating the spiritual hosts of wickedness. But is must be the Bible as the Word of God in everything it teaches- in matters if salvation, but just as much where it speaks of history and science and morality. If we compromise in any if these areas...we destroy the power of the Word and ourselves in the hands of the enemy.
Francis Schaeffer

I began playing with the cries, a little in the same way as I had played with the song, on, back, on, back, if that may be called playing. As long as I kept walking I didn’t hear them, because of the footsteps. But as soon as I halted again I heard them again, a little fainter each time, admittedly, but what does it matter, faint or loud, cry is cry, all that matters is that it should cease. For years I thought they would cease. Now I don’t think so any more. I could have done with other...
Samuel Beckett
My financial views are of the most decided character, but they are not likely, perhaps, to increase my popularity with the advocates of inflation. I do not insist upon the special supremacy of rag money or hard money. The great fundamental principle of my life is to take any kind I can get.
Mark Twain