Cans Quotes (page 1046)
Byron: The luxuries of this place have made me soft. The metal point's gone from my pen, there's nothing left but the feather.
Gutman: That may be true. But what can you do about it?
Byron: Make a departure.
Gutman: From yourself?
Byron: From my present self to myself as I used to be!
Gutman: That's the furthest departure a man could make!
Tennessee Williams

Life would have been quite another matter for them both if they hadlearned in time that it was easier to avoid great matrimonialcatastrophes than trivial everyday miseries. But if they had learnedanything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can nolonger do any good.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
When you are in your twenties, even if you're confused and uncertain about your aims and purposes, you have a strong sense of what life itself is, and of what you in life are, and might become. Later.. later there is more uncertainty, more overlapping, more backtracking, more false memories. Back then, you can remember your short life in its entirety. Later, the memory becomes a thing of shreds and patches.
Julian Barnes
Pearl was hurring around my apartment, sniffing everything, including Rich Beaumont and Patty Giacomin, which neither of them like much."Can you get Pearl to settle down?" Paul asked."I could speak to her, but she'd continue to do what she wants, and I'd look ineffectual. My approach is to endorse everything she does."Susan said, "Come here, Pearl." And Pearl went over to her, and Susan gave her a kiss on the mouth, and Pearl wagged her tail; and lapped Susan's face, and turned and went back...
Robert B. Parker

But to guide nations in the way of Truth. By saving Doctrine, and from error lead. To know, and knowing worship God aright, Is yet more knightly, this attracts the Soul, Governs the inner man, the nobler part, That other o'er the body only reigns, And oft by force, which to a generous mindso reigning can be no sincere delight.
John Milton