Changing My Mind Quotes
It's not right," he repeated, grabbing her again and turning her to face him. "I'm not having it."So you said, in clear terms."I don't mean that."Oh, well, if you've decided you'd like to have sex with me after all, I've changed my mind."I haven't decided--" He broke off, staggered. "Changed your mind?"I have. Kissing you wasn't altogether what I thought it would be. So you were right and I was wrong." She gave him a deliberately insulting pat on the cheek." And that's the end of it."The hell...
Nora Roberts

I had the classic 40 meltdown. I did. It's embarrassing. It was pretty funny. But then I recovered. To me, it was like a second adolescence. Hormonally, my body was changing, my mind was changing, and so my relationship to myself and the world around me came to this assault of finiteness.
Keanu Reeves

Please forgive me, but I've never had to change my mind so often at such short notice in my whole life. It's quite breathtaking. You see, first I thought you wanted my body, then I thought you wanted my love, then my life even, happily-ever-after and all that sort of thing, and now it turns out it is merely my money. Oh, Teddy, darling, thank you, thank you.' ...
For what?' ...
For restoring my cynicism. I was too young to lose it.
Elaine Dundy
I’m trying to decide
Which way to go
I think I made a wrong turn back there somewhere
Didn’t cha know, didn’t cha know
Tried to move but I lost my way
Didn’t cha know, didn’t cha know
Stopped to watch my emotions sway
Didn’t cha know, didn’t cha know
Knew the toll, but I would not pay
Didn’t cha know, didn’t cha know
Cause you never know where the cards may lay
Time to save the world
Where in the world is all the time
So many things I still don’t know
So many times I’ve changed my...
Erykah Badu
I write because it’s a way of puzzling out answers to situations in the world that I don’t understand. The act of writing a book gives me the same experience that I hope reading it gives readers. It forces me to sort through the various points of view on a given issue or situation and ultimately come to a conclusion. Doing that might not change my mind, but it almost always gives me a stronger sense of why my opinion is what it is—a question we rarely ask ourselves.
Jodi Picoult