Fine Lady Quotes
A display of indifference to all the actions and passions of mankind was not supposed to be such a distinguished quality at that time, I think, as I have observed it to be considered since. I have known it very fashionable indeed. I have seen it displayed with such success, that I have encountered some fine ladies and gentlemen who might as well have been born caterpillars.
Charles Dickens
First maid: If I was a princess, with silver and gold, And loved by a hero, I'd never grow old: Oh, if a young hero came a-marrying me, I'd always be beautiful, happy, and free! Chorus: Then sail, my fine lady, on the billowing wave - The water below is as dark as the grave, And maybe you'll sink in your little blue boat - It's hope, and hope only, that keeps us afloat.
Margaret Atwood
I darted like a minnow through passers-by, in a most ungraceful fashion, constantly giving way to generals. officers of the Horse Guards and the Hussars, and fine ladies; at those moments I felt a spasmodic pain in my heart and hot flushes down my spine at the thought of the wretched inadequacy of my costume and the mean vulgarity of my small figure darting about.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
How glorious to be introduced in a drawing room to a Lady who reads Novels, with "Mr. So-and-so - Miss So-and-so; Miss So-and-so, this is Mr So-and-so, who fell off a precipice and was half-drowned." Now I refer to you, whether I should lose so fine an opportunity of making my fortune. No romance lady could resist me - none.
John Keats
1. Total domination of the world by 1958.2. Domination of the astral spheres quite soon too.3. The finding of lovely ladies for Spotty Muldoon within the foreseeable future.4. GETTING A NUCLEAR ARM to deter with.5. The bodily removal from this planet of C. P. Snow and Alan Freeman and their replacement with fine TREES.6. Stopping the GOVERNMENT from crawling up our pipes and listening to all we say.7. Training BEES for uses against foreign powers, and so on.8. Elimination of spindly insects...
Peter Cook