Firm Quotes (page 10)
Frog-faced?" Caine asked when he met Grant in the hall."Beauty's in the eye of the beholder," Grant said easily. With an appreciative grin, Caine leaned against one of the many archways. "You had Dad going. We all got one of his phone calls, telling us the Campbell was in a bad way and it was our duty-he being by way of family-to help him." The grin became wolfish. "You seem to be getting along all right on your own."Grant acknowledged this with a nod. "The last time I was here, he was trying...
Nora Roberts

My writing, on the other hand, is always done with my readers in mind. I never write for my own amusement. I always try to put across an idea that I feel is important, in the most easily readable form I can manage. This has annoyed some of my academic colleagues, who feel that I am oversimplifying my subject, but I argue that at least my writings are widely read, while theirs stay firmly within the confines of their academic ivory towers. And I always work with one special rule in mind:...
Desmond Morris

I'n'I nah come to fight flesh and blood, But spiritual wickedness in 'igh and low places. So while they fight you down, Stand firm and give Jah thanks and praises.'Cos I'n'I no expect to be justifiedby the laws of men - by the laws of men. Oh, true they have found me guilty, But through - through Jah proved my innocency.
Bob Marley

...he said firmly, "God can help you. All the men I’ve seen in your position turned to Him in their time of trouble." Obviously, I replied, they were at liberty to do so, if they felt like it. I, however, didn’t want to be helped, and I hadn’t time to work up interest for something that didn’t interest me.
Albert Camus
Shake off all fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God, because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.
Thomas Jefferson
Every decent man of our age must be a coward and a slave. That is his normal condition. Of that I am firmly persuaded. He is made and constructed to that very end. And not only at the present time owing to some casual circumstance, but always, at all times, a decent man is bound to be a coward and a slave.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
I'm going to leave, I'm going to take my train. But behindthe existence which falls from one present to the other, without a past, without a future, behind thesesounds which decompose from day to day, peel off and slip towards death, the melody stays the same, young and firm, like a pitiless witness.
Jean-Paul Sartre