Gen Quotes
Gen stopped and talked to Simon Thaibault, who was reading One Hundred Years Of Solutide in Spanish.
'This will take me forever,' Thaibault said to Gen in French, 'Maybe a hundred years. At least I know I have the time.'
'Who knew that being kidnapped was so much like attending university?' Gen said.
Ann Patchett

Bir gen kz ne korkutur? Tin. Neden? nk tin onun tm dii varlnn yadsnmasna yol aar. Erkeksi gzel baklar, ekici bir kiilik vs. iyi zelliklerdir ve bunlarla fetihler yaplabilir; ama asla kesin bir zafer kazanlamaz. Neden? nk o zaman kzla, kzn kendi alannda sava edilmitir ve orda kz daima daha gldr. Bu yntemlerle bir kzn yz kzartlabilir, mahcup duruma drlebilir; ama gzelliini ilgin hale getiren o anlatlmas olanaksz, byleyici endie uyandrlamaz.
Soren Kierkegaard
Shy Carmen, always hanging back from the others, who knew she could smile? But at the sight of that smile he would have promised her anything. He was just barely awake. Or maybe he was not awake at all. Had he wanted her and not known it? Had he wanted her so much that he dreamed she was lying beside him now? The things our minds keep from us, Gen thought. The secrets we keep even from ourselves.
Ann Patchett
The clear suggestion is that there ought not to be civilian control of the military. What have callow noncombatants giving brisk orders to grizzled soldiers? How could Lincoln have fired the slavery-loving Gen. George B. McClellan, or Truman dismissed the glorious Douglas MacArthur?
Christopher Hitchens