Midget Quotes

Expect nothing. Live frugally. On surprise. become a stranger. To need of pity. Or, if compassion be freely. Given out. Take only enough. Stop short of urge to plead. Then purge away the need. Wish for nothing larger. Than your own small heart. Or greater than a star; Tame wild disappointment. With caress unmoved and cold. Make of it a parka. For your soul. Discover the reason why. So tiny human midget. Exists at all. So scared unwise. But expect nothing. Live frugally. On surprise.
Alice Walker
He was in blue jeans and a work shirt, which is another weird quirk of Rich Old Men. Just one of the guys here. Blue jeans and a work shirt, salt of the earth, working man like yourself. Like they're somehow uncomfortable about being rich enough to sleep in a bed made of vaginas being pulled around the town at night by a fleet of gold-covered midgets.
Warren Ellis
I would pore for hours over the stalls of worn necklaces, sets of gilt spoons, sugar tongs in the shape of hen's feet or midget hands, clocks that didn't work, flowered china, spotty mirrors and ponderous furniture, the flotsam left by those receding centuries in which, more and more, I was living.
Margaret Atwood
Next to fat babies, midgets are my favorite things to hold. I love them so much, and I want to help them to do adult things like drive cars, Jet-Ski, and lip-synch. I’m in awe of their little limbs, their large craniums, and their medicine-ball asses. I love the little baby steps they take while shifting their weight from side to side, and the fact that when you knock one over accidentally, he flails like a turtle on its back that can’t get up right away.
Chelsea Handler