Quotes Myself

COSMIC DANCER"I was dancing when I was twelve. I was dancing when I was aaah. I danced myself right out the womb. Is it strange to dance so soon. I danced myself right out the womb. I was dancing when I was eight. Is it strange to dance so late. I danced myself into the tomb. Is it strange to dance so soon. I danced myself into the tomb. Is it wrong to understand. The fear that dwells inside a man. What's it like to be a loon. I liken it to a balloon. I danced myself out of the womb. Is it...
Marc Bolan
You ask me what forces me to speak? a strange thing; my conscience. . . . You ask why I speak? I am neither informed against, nor pursued, nor hunted, say you. Yes! I am informed against! yes! I am pursued! yes! I am hunted! By whom? by myself. It is I myself who bar the way before myself, and I drag myself, and I urge myself, and I check myself and I exert myself, and when one holds himself he is well held.
Victor Hugo
The reason why I do not know anything about myself, the reason why Siddhartha has remained alien and unknown to myself is due to one thing, to one single thing--I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself. I was seeking Atman, I was seeking Brahman, I was determined to dismember myself and tear away its layers of husk in order to find in its unknown innermost recess the kernel at the heart of those layers, the Atman, life, the divine principle, the ultimate. But in so doing, I was...
Herman Hesse
I often repeat repeat myself, I often repeat repeat. I don't don't know why know why, I simply know that I I Iam am inclined to say to saya lot a lot this way this way-I often repeat repeat myself, I often repeat repeat. I often repeat repeat myself, I often repeat repeat. My mom my mom gets mad gets mad, it irritates my dad my dad, it drives them up a tree a tree, that's what they tell they tell me me-I often repeat repeat myself, I often repeat repeat. I often repeat repeat myself, I often...
Jack Prelutsky
I tried to keep myself away from him by using con words like "fidelity" and "adultery", by telling myself that he would interfere with my work, that I had him I'd be too happy to write. I tried to tell myself I was hurting Bennett, hurting myself, making a spectacle of myself. I was. But nothing helped. I was possessed. The minute he walked into a room and smiled at me, I was a goner.
Erica Jong