Used To Love Quotes

I've apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point or another. It's been going on for quite some time now, without me knowing it. I've found that growing up can mean a lot of things. For me, it doesn't mean I should become somebody completely new and stop loving the things I used to love. It means I've just added more things to my list.
Taylor Swift

I used to love you. I still do. So Selfish. I love the old you. The you that didnt shoot drugs... The you that didnt get beat on by men. You laugh in my face and call me a fool. But its true. I still love you. Sometimes, I can see the old you. When your eyes flash. When you almost look alive
Henry Rollins

When I was a boy I used to love pizza, and whenever my father took me to the pizzeria I'd order two slices. And I'd sit and he'd watch me wolfing down the first slice with my eyes on the second. I wasn't even tasting that first slice. And one day my father said to me, "Son, you need to learn that while you're eating the first slice of pizza, eat the first slice. Because right now you're eating the second slice before you've finished the first.
Jonathan Lethem