Vans Quotes (page 3)
Ez volt sznes, szlesvszn lmaim idszaka. Anym gy hitte, risi mennyisg alvsra van szksgem, gy aztn sosem voltam igazn fradt, amikor lefekdtem. Ez volt a nap legjobb rsze, amikor fekhettem a megfoghatatlan flhomlyban, fllomban, formlva fejemben tulajdon lmaimat. Repl lmaim oly hihetek voltak, akr Dal tjkpei, oly valsgosak, hogy hirtelen sszerndulva bredtem bellk, azzal a fullad rzssel, hogy Ikaroszknt hulltam al az gbl, s ppen idejben fogott fl puha gyam.(Superman s Paula Brown j kezeslbasa)
Sylvia Plath
A szli lt s a modern genetika nagy kzhelye, hogy a szlknek alig van befolysuk gyermekeik jellemre, vagy nincs is. Sosem tudhatja az ember, kiv lesznek. Lehetsgek, egszsg, jvbeni kiltsok, beszdmodor, illemtuds- ezek alaktsra lehet mdjuk a szlknek. De hogy mifle ember l majd velk egy fedl alatt, az azon mlik, melyik spermium tall r melyik petesejtre, kt pakli krtybl mely krtykra esik a vlaszts, hogyan lesznek megkeverve, megemelve s sszeprostva az j kombinci pillanatban. J kedly vagy...
Ian Mcewan

Next day, as the Ferris wheel was being taken apart and the race horses were being loaded into vans and the entertainers were packing up their belongings and driving away in their trailers, Charlotte died. The Fair Grounds were soon deserted. The sheds and buildings were empty and forlorn. The infield was littered with bottles and trash. Nobody, of the hundreds of people that had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. No one was with her when she...
E. B. White

Art is love-times-love; the creator loves it and his audience adores it. To miss the sensation of loving art is to miss a kind of parenthood—false pregnancy perhaps—but as Van Gogh said, "If, defrauded of the power to create physically, a man tries to create thoughts in place of children, he is still part of humanity"...a big part.
Vincent Price
...but you are too much for them: the weak in courage are strong in cunning; and one by one, you have absorbed and have captured and dishonored, and have distilled of your deliverers the most ruinous of all poisons; people hear Beethoven in concert halls, or over a bridge game, or to relax; Czannes are hung on walls, reproduced, in natural wood frames; van Gogh is the man who cut off his ear and whose yellows became recently popular in window decoration.
James Agee
I walked up the ramp and stood in the van, trying to decide where to begin my inspection of the concealed words whose bones were molded together by men to make either an awesome vision of truth that would guard any door of the mind, or a creature that would stand for a while, deceptively whole, then collapse, scattering across the threshold the dry dead bones that did not even burst into flame at their friction one with the other.
Janet Frame