TOP 10 James Baldwin quotes

I was guilty and irritated and full of love and pain. I wanted to kick him and I wanted to take him in my arms.
James Baldwin
Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
James Baldwin
All that hatred down there," he said, "all that hatred and misery and love. It's a wonder it doesn't blow the avenue apart.
James Baldwin
The writer's only real task: to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art
James Baldwin
This is the only real concern of the artist, to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art.
James Baldwin
True rebels after all, are as rare as true lovers, and in both cases, to mistake a fever for passion can destroy one's life
James Baldwin
In those days my mother was given to the exasperating and mysterious habit of having babies.
James Baldwin