TOP 10 get money quotes

Getting money is not all a man's business: to cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.
Samuel Johnson
The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.
Horace Greeley
Many kids turn to selling drugs. It's not a good career choice, but they see it as a way to get money.
Richard Harris
Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
Stephen Leacock
You get money out of acting. You get gray hair out of directing. Actually, I get more of a rush from directing.
Tim Robbins
That's what unions do. They can get money, they can get support, they can get manpower.
James P. Hoffa
There are few ways in which a man can be more innocently employed than in getting money.
Samuel Johnson
Gambling with cards or dice or stocks is all one thing. It's getting money without giving an equivalent for it.
Henry Ward Beecher
When you get money you're always a target because there's always somebody who needs money out there.
Lloyd Banks