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TOP 10 new job quotes

With new jobs, new ideas, and growing confidence that our brightest days lie ahead, Wisconsin is on the move.

Jim Doyle

At one point I took on a new job, and I just didn't have time to do anything but work.

Sharon Olds

Our economy is on the move and we are creating thousands of new jobs, but we need to keep our foot on the gas pedal.

Mitt Romney

Together we will build an America where hope is a new job with a paycheck, not a faded word on an old bumper sticker.

Mitt Romney

The new job of art is to sit on the wall and get more expensive.

Robert Hughes

Estimates show that small businesses contribute 60-80 percent of the net new jobs annually.

Michael K. Simpson

We have a plan for a stronger middle class, with the goal of generating 12 million new jobs over the next four years.

Paul Ryan

Creating new jobs for Pennsylvanians continues to be my highest priority throughout the Commonwealth.

Ed Rendell

The pro-growth policies of Congress have helped created new jobs in the region and across the country.

Tim Murphy

22 million new jobs under President Clinton. 3 million lost under Bush.

Sidney Blumenthal