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TOP 10 proverbs quotes

Nothing ever becomes real till experienced? even a proverb is no proverb until your life has illustrated it

John Keats

If there is love, smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples. - Japanese Proverb

Stephen King

To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that wich says:"Leave no stone unturned.

Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Witty inspirations are the proverbs of the educated.

Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.

Miguel de Cervantes

Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.

Miguel de Cervantes

Time is money says the proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth. Money is time.

George Gissing

If you want to follow some good steps, it would Proverbs, all over.

Pedro Martinez

A proverb is good sense brought to a point.

John Morley

Men, crumpled like bed-sheets in hospitals, And women, battered like overused proverbs.

Vladimir Mayakovsky