TOP 10 romantic quotes

I'm a dreadful romantic. No matter what I go through in life, I want to fall in love with a man.
Rachel Hunter
A romantic comedy has to be funny and make you think about life; but the obstacle that has to be overcome is key.
Jennifer Lopez
The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
Anita Brookner
In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person.
Margaret Chase Smith
Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic who listens to love ballads and doo-wop songs all the time.
Henry Rollins
He was a romantic in his own harsh way…yet he was also realist enough to know that some times love actually did conquer all.
Stephen King
I fell in love with many women at school who had no idea I existed. I'm a bit of a romantic.
Eric Bana
Romantic Love is only an Illusion. A story one makes up in One's Mind about Another Person.
Virginia Woolf