TOP 10 tattoo quotes

I'm from a nice, suburban, middle-class family, but my tattoos remind me where I've been.
Tom Hardy
I'm a tearless clown. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be the two masks, and they would be both smiling.
Andy Samberg
What's funny is my husband doesn't have any tattoos at all, so he must be the very conservative one.
Ashley Scott
The first time I showed the tattoo, it was big news in the newspaper: 'She has a tattoo with a snake.' It's not a snake.
Li Na
Fuck them all. I ought to have that tattooed on my forehead, for all the times I've thought it.
Jodi Picoult
There was a point where I really felt I had 'penniless divorcee lone parent' tattooed on my head.
J. K. Rowling