The Girl With Many Eyes. One day in the park. I had quite a surprise. I met a girlwho had many eyes. She was really quite pretty(and also quite shocking!)and I noticed she had a mouth, so we ended up talking. We talked about flowers, and her poetry classes, and the problems she'd haveif she ever wore glasses. It's great to know a girlwho has so many eyes, but you really get wetwhen she breaks down and cries.
Tim Burton

Staring Girl. I once knew a girlwho would just stand there and stare. At anyone or anything, she seemed not to care. She'd stare at the ground, She'd stare at the sky. She'd stare at you for hours, and you'd never know why. But after winning the local staring contest, she finally gave her eyesa well-deserved rest.
Tim Burton
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