Am Quotes (page 317)
One day, I stopped hating.
I ceased all meaningless activity.
I completed the circle. I
Set my sights straight. Like an
Arrow I flew. I stopped acting.
I got tired of playing with you.
Random violence and destruction
Because my reason for living, my out,
My excuse. What is your excuse?
Without hate, without fear,
Without judgement. I am no better
Than you. No-one knows this better
I do. I just got tired of playing
Parlor Games.
Henry Rollins

You lie, in faith; for you are call'd plain Kate, And bonny Kate and sometimes Kate the curst; But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kates, and therefore, Kate, Take this of me, Kate of my consolation; Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, Thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, Yet not so deeply as to thee belongs, Myself am moved to woo thee for my wife.
William Shakespeare
At all these European shows there are autograph collectors who stand outside for sound check and before the show and sometimes at the hotel. I don’t even know if they know who I am. At Gateshead, I signed autographs going in to the show, when I came out this little guy came up to me. Cathy said, “You already signed for him.” He said, “No! I wasn’t here before.” He was irate. Anyway, Cathy and I got in the car and went to the hotel that was about mile away. The guy beat the car there. I told...
Randy Newman
Practically all writers and artists are aware of their destiny and see themselves as actors in a fateful drama. With me, nothing is momentous: obscure youth, glorious old age, fateful coincidences? nothing really matters. I have written a number of good sentences. I have kept free of delusions. I know I am going to die soon. .
Eric Hoffer