Linked Quotes
I thought of telling him I didn't know about reasons, only about chains -how they form themselves, link by link, out of nothing; how they knit themselves into the world. Sometimes you can grab a chain & use it to putt yourself out of a dark place. Mostly, though, I think you get wrapped up in them. Just caught, if you're lucky. Fucking strangled, if you're not.
Stephen King
In everything, almost in everything, I wrote I was guided by the need of collecting ideas which, linked together, would be the expression of myself, though each individual idea, expressed separately in words, loses its meaning, is horribly debased when only one of the links, of which it forms a part, is taken by itself. But the interlinking of these ideas is not, I think, an intellectual process, but something else, and it is impossible to express the source of this interlinking directly in...
Leo Tolstoy