Timing Quotes (page 444)

With THC in your system, you don't dream. And you need to. Otherwise it is like losing one of your senses. Dreams are part of your wholeness. ... when you're dreaming, you're not the one calling the shots. So it's a reprieve. ... the dream world had rules in it. You couldn't read a clock in your dreams. It would not give you the time. If the lights were on in a room, you could not turn them off in a dream. ... in indigenous tribes all over the world, the dream world was like church. [p. 247]
Anne Lamott

There should be a statute of limitation on grief. A rulebook that says it is all right to wake up crying, but only for a month. That after 42 days you will no longer turn with your heart racing, certain you have heard her call out your name. That there will be no fine imposed if you feel the need to clean out her desk; take down her artwork from the refrigerator; turn over a school portrait as you pass - if only because it cuts you fresh again to see it. That it's okay to measure the time she...
Jodi Picoult
Look on beauty, And you shall see 'tis purchased by the weight; Which therein works a miracle in nature, Making them lightest that wear most of it: So are those crisped snaky golden locks. Which make such wanton gambols with the wind, Upon supposed fairness, often known. To be the dowry of a second head, The skull that bred them in the sepulchre. Thus ornament is but the guiled shore. To a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf. Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word, The seeming truth which...
William Shakespeare
Here is the time for the sayable, here is its home. Speak and attest. More than everthe things we can live with are falling away, and ousting them, filling their place, a will with no image. Will beneath crusts which readily crackwhenever the act inside swells and seeks new borders.
Rainer Maria Rilke