Calls Quotes (page 134)
... I have ceased to care about anything. I have no personal ambition, or even the desire that people call me nice, or pretty, or witty. Nor do I have any use for sensation, nor do I care. Cessation. It is a technical circle, encircling, cycle, of giving the body to be burned, but having no charity.... What can I do? For without love I am truly dead.
Elizabeth Smart
Scientists say that the palm tree line, that is the climate suitable to growth of the palm, is moving north, five hundred metres, I think it was, every year...The palm tree line...I call it the coffee line, the strong black coffee line...It's rising like mercury in a thermometer, this palm tree line, this strong coffee line, this scandal line, rising up throughout Italy and already passed Rome...
Leonardo Sciascia
Before the Battle: Music of whispering trees. Hushed by the broad-winged breeze. Where shaken water gleams; And evening radiance falling. With reedy bird-notes calling. O bear me safe through dark, you low-voiced streams. I have no need to pray. That fear may pass away; I scorn the growl and rumble of the fight. That summons me from cool. Silence of marsh and pool, And yellow lilies islanded in light. O river of stars and shadows, lead me through the night.
Siegfried Sassoon

What a strange thing that which men call pleasure seems to be, and how astonishing the relation it has with what is thought to be its opposite, namely pain! A man cannot have both at the same time. Yet if he pursues and catches the one, he is almost always bound to catch the other also, like two creatures with one head.