Dream Quotes (page 78)
The sky was a cold iron-grey, like the underside of a shield. A sharp breeze lifted the hems of skirts and rattled the leaves on the immature trees; a spiteful, chill wind that sought out your weakest places, the nape of your neck and your knees, and which denied you the comfort of dreaming, of retreating a little from reality.
J. K. Rowling

A spider lives inside my head. Who weaves a strange and wondrous web. Of silken threads and silver strings. To catch all sorts of flying things, Like crumbs of thoughts and bits of smiles. And specks of dried-up tears, And dust of dreams that catch and cling. For years and years and years...
Shel Silverstein
Everyone knows that a place exists which is not economically or politically indebted to all the vileness and compromise. That is not obliged to reproduce the system. That is writing. If there is a somewhere else that can escape the infernal repetition, it lies in that direction, where it writes itself, where it dreams, where it invents new worlds.
Helene Cixous

It was if the charming theatrical curtain had dropped away and I saw him for the first time as he really was: not the benign old sage, the indulgent and protective good-parent of my dreams, but ambiguous, a moral neutral, whose beguiling trappings concealed a being watchful, capricious, and heartless.
Donna Tartt